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Domain Transfer

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    Transfer now your .ch domain to the official
    Switch partner Webland - easy and free.

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    Domain fees will be charged only after the
    expiry of your current subscriptions

Up to 25% Discount!

Register your domain now and get a discount of up to 25%*.

Registration period Discount*
3 years 5% discount
5 years 15% discount
10 years 25% discount

Your own domain name - your personal internet address

Webland is your Swiss registrar for the domains .ch / .li & .swiss and for the top domains .com / .net / .org / .de / .at / .it / / .eu / .info / .biz / .asia / .in / .me and .mobi.

.ch / .li

Only14.90  CHF /year

These domain extensions are intended for individuals and enterprises who wish to address themselves to Swiss internet users.

  • .ch = Switzerland
  • .li = Liechtenstein
Domain Price CHF per year
.ch 14.90
.li 14.90

.com / .net / .org

Only29.90  CHF /year

These are the most popular domain extensions world-wide. Get now your own internet identity.

  • .com = Commercial
  • .net = Network
  • .org = Organisation
Domain Price CHF per year
.com 29.90
net 29.90
.org 31.90

.asia / .in

Only31.90  CHF /year

Expand to Asia! Get now your own company or brand name in Asia.

  • .asia = Asia
  • .in = India
Domain Price CHF per year
.asia 31.90
.in 31.90

.de / .at / .it / / .eu

31.90 CHF /year

Domain extensions of Germany, Austria, Italy,
United Kingdom and the EU.

  • .de = Germany
  • .at = Austria
  • .it = Italy
  • = United Kingdom
  • .eu = Europe
Domain CHF /year
.de 31.90
.at 31.90
.it 31.90 31.90
.eu 29.90

.eu Domain fiduciary service for Swiss companies and individuals at CHF 9.90 / year, VAT included!


CHF 149.- / year

The new domain extension for swiss companies.

Domain CHF /year
.info 31.90
.biz 31.90
.me 31.90
.mobi 31.90

.info / .biz / .me / .mobi

31.90 CHF /year

A .info, .biz, .me and .mobi domains are your chances
to win a global public for your ideas, firm or brands.

  • .info = Info
  • .biz = Business
  • .me = Express yourself
  • .mobi = Mobile / Tablets

* Discounts apply to all domain extensions except .swiss. For .swiss domain name no discounts can be granted.

What is a domain?

No matter whether you want to go online with a private homepage or a company website - you need a web address. The domain is therefore the Internet address such as "" or "", which is divided into Top and Second Level Domain.

How do I transfer a domain from another
provider to Webland?

Contact your current domain provider and request the transfer code for your domain. Then fill out the form for .ch domain transfer or the form for
other domain endings completely and click on Start transfer. (Alternatively, you can send us the information by e-mail). We will inform you as soon as the transfer of your domain has been completed.

Which domain extension should I register?

It all depends on which target audience your website appeals to. For Swiss websites, for example, you cannot be wrong with a .ch or .swiss domain name. It doesn't matter whether you want to publish a private website or a company website. Contact us, we will be happy to advise you.

How long does it take until a domain is active?

No matter whether you want to go online with a private homepage or a company website - you need a web address. The domain is therefore the Internet address such as "" or "", which is divided into Top and Second Level Domain.

Can I use umlauts in my domain name?

Yes, but we recommend that you also register domain names without umlauts. For example, if you register "fischkö", you should also register "" without umlauts.

How can I manage my domains?

For the administration of domain names we provide the Domain Manager with which you can administer your domains by means of a personal login.

Can I operate my website with another provider even though the domain has been registered with Webland?

Yes, to do that log in to the domain manager with your login data and adjust the DNS. Contact us if you need assistance.

Can I use a domain only for my email accounts without a webhosting account?

Yes, we also have the e-mail only solution which allows you to do this.

Good reasons for a Domain with Webland

Domain registrar for top-level domains .ch, .li, .com, .net, .org, .de, .at, .eu, .info, .biz, .asia, .in, .me and .mobi.


Official Domain Registrar

Webland is the official Swiss domain registrar for .ch domains. It also
offers the most important domain extensions such as .swiss, .com, .net
and .org for Swiss and international customers.


Free Support

ebland offers a first-class support by mail and telephone. You can
reach us at the hotline: 0840 20 20 20 (from 09:00 to 12:00 and 13:30 to
17:00) or by mail at: support(at)


Simple domain administration

You can easily manage your domains with the Domain Manager. With
the Domain Manager you can change contact information, add new
contacts, change name server entries and more. The Domain Manager
can be found above under the menu item "Logins".


100% Swiss Quality

Webland AG is 100% in Swiss hands and is kept under the management of its
founders. It operates its own redundant data centers in Basel and
Münchenstein/BL - two secure Swiss locations of the highest quality.

Over 20 years of experience

Even after more than 20 years of existence, Webland continues to play a leading role in a constantly changing market and is one of the
"top ten" web hosting providers in Switzerland.

We’re here to help

Our Support Center contains FAQs and user guides.